Archive for the ‘resources for autism’ Tag

How MMR Vaccines are associated with Autism   Leave a comment

Sounds strange right? How can a vaccine aimed at increasing the wellbeing of an individual actually trigger autistic traits in the later? I was astonished to read articles on MMR vaccines and their relation to autism. I was going through resources for autism when suddenly I stumbled upon a title where it states that MMR vaccines are directly related to autism. I quickly went into the details of it and came down with facts, some terrible ones. MMR vaccines which are actually pushed to prevent diseases such as mumps and measles are actually behind the cause of autistic traits in an individual. A study has clearly unveiled a truth that MMR vaccines are the main cause behind bowel problems in babies; unfortunately this has direct links with autism. However, researchers have also found that this is a controllable and preventive cause. Today there are many experts who don’t support the view; they feel that autism has the least to do with MMR vaccines.

Posted September 23, 2011 by Amanda in Autistic News

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Some Facts about Autism that can Change Lives   Leave a comment

There are a number of facts about autism that not all of us are aware of. Even though you may come across autism awareness programs every now and then, it is quite different to face it in real life.

Autism is a very painful experience, both for the sufferer and the people who are taking care of them. If you have not yet participated in an autism awareness program or been through any available resources for autism, here are a few symptoms that patients are likely to face.

resources for autism

Most medical resources for autism point at extremely painful headaches and stomach aches in autistic children. Chronic explosive bowel problems are also common, making autism a very tough problem to treat. However, with the availability of autism resources, people have also come to know about the various methods of treating autism, like hyperbaric oxygen chambers.

Hyperbaric oxygen chambers therapy (also known as HBOT therapy) is not yet an FDA certified method for treating autism. Yet the results of using such chambers as aids for autism have shown very positive results for a good number of autistic children.

HBOT treatment (hyperbaric oxygen therapy treatment) does not promise a complete cure, or a speedy recovery. But it has helped tremendously in improving the conditions of the patients, which is why HBOT treatment is becoming more and more popular as autism resources for autism treatment with time.

Hyperbaric oxygen treatment is definitely worth a try if you want to help someone suffering from autism. There are a good number of companies and organizations that have stepped in to help patients with autism resources and autism treatment options.

It only takes a while to go through the facts about autism and gain better autism awareness, but the results are far more appreciable at the end of the day if you can get the patient on the right track.